Greetings Adventurers This week I went to the dentist. It was fantastic! An actual consult; faces behind masks; eyes that blink, voices lacking the dampened timbre of telecommunication – at […]
Greetings Sentient Beings Always extraordinary, abounding with creatures and vistas that simply take your breath away, the world in which we currently find ourselves is becoming increasingly astonishing. Thus, I […]
Do you get annoyed with yourself when you find you have to change your mind? Especially when you have been comfortable holding fast to your breast, well-nurtured and self-justified prejudices? […]
Greetings Fellow Inhabitants With unintended irony and also distress, I write during Reconciliation Week in Australia (27th May – 3rd June) as the USA tears itself apart. By the time […]
Greetings and salaam As the COVID19 crisis passes in South Australia and our expectations of greater freedoms and a return to ‘normal’ life increase, will we make time to reflect […]
Greetings Chookens and Roosterlets As I write, the wind is up and blustering, the rain is coming down so, it’s time to huddle and take up without the glorious distraction […]
Greetings fellow island dwellers Were you scared? Were you worried? Did the sands move beneath your toes and make you topple for balance when first you tested those welcome tides […]
Greetings Gardenians For perhaps the most wondrous works of art are collaborations between gardeners & nature or when nature wings it, exquisitely alone. Artists are inherently connected to nature – […]
Greetings Planetarians, Our thoughts this week centre on The USA and their unfortunate circumstances. (hand on heart, I will not mention politics) Front line workers world over face a terrible […]
Greetings Gallerians This week A friend and I came to the woeful realisation that we are afflicted with a severe case of the now common, Mush-Brain. To alleviate symptoms, we […]