Have our priorities changed just a little or perhaps dramatically?
Greetings and salaam
As the COVID19 crisis passes in South Australia and our expectations of greater freedoms and a return to ‘normal’ life increase, will we make time to reflect upon how, or if, the world and our world-view has changed during what is a quite short historical period. If we take this time to consider how will we translate this on-going world experience in terms of our art and craft/s? Will we emerge and remain more connected to one another? What have we discovered about ourselves? Have our priorities changed just a little or perhaps dramatically? Pre-Covid19 I was working on a series of paintings concerned with women’s rights (nothing new for me.) At the moment I feel the concepts were a bit trite. I may have to sit on it for a while. I may have to change it.
Gallery One continues to build up steam and classes are returning to the Gallery space, one by one. Your Committee has not been meeting throughout this period but rather keeping in touch when and if necessary via phone, email and zoom. Next month we expect to resume face-to-face Meetings in order to plan the way forward. With JobKeeper, Sanya’s position is secure and we are very grateful to our Most Persistent Treasurer, Gavin Dennien, for going through administrative hell and high-water to arrange the payments for both Sanya and for the benefit of the Gallery family. Thank you also to the Federal Government and their fiscally responsible actions during this period.
Meanwhile, even if you are hesitant to return to your usual classes, if you feel like some conversation or some brief company and a change of scenery, please visit the Gallery and have a cup of coffee/tea with whoever is there. The Gallery is being constantly cleaned, there is now ample handwash/sanitizer which everyone is encouraged to use and people are being responsible and maintaining social distancing. We are first and foremost a community gallery space and welcome your participation at every level.
The Book Worm
‘Colour’ by Victoria Finlay
Last week I reminded myself that non-fiction is lacking so this week I have revisited a book from my book-shelf called ‘Colour’ by Victoria Finlay. The book investigates the history of paint pigments and how we came to achieve the modern paintbox. It was a fascinating read the first time around and I am enjoying, once again, Finlay’s journey to the ends of the earth in search of the original pigments and how they came to be. The chapters are divided into colours: ochre, black & brown, white, then ROY G BIV.
On a sombre note a poem from Andrew Barr:
Not “Terra nullius”
Since I was a child
I could sense if something was different
I noticed a small rock in the sand
A different color from the other rocks.
I picked it up and belong in my hand
Dark, blood red and smooth
A sharp serrated edge
It molds between finger and a thumb.
Where did it come from?
What was it used for?
Who made it?
Am I holding a tool?
“ I want to save the skin
Give me my knife
What? You lost it?”
Now, eons later, I find you
I sensed that you are different.
Andrew Barr 2019
And to close, on a less sombre note requiring not much thought at all: during the week, reference was also made to me concerning my association in last week’s Diary of Shakespeare to limericks. (I love it when people keep me on my toes!) I propose that there is nothing historically to suggest that Shakespeare did not write/create/ think in limerick form. Since he did everything else he must have: simply because it is not extant does not mean it wasn’t!
I am very sure Shakespeare had at least one mate from Ireland and met him in the pub:
The Tragedy of the Lost Limeryck
an (extremely) very short play
Characters: Anne Hathaway & William Shakespeare
Act 1 – Scene 1 ( Anne Hathaway’s hot, busy kitchen)
Anne: Bill, dearest thou art but under my feet a stone coursing full through mine hose, betwixt mine sorry and roug-ed toes: in this day and light, a bothersome wretch thee be. June is anonst. I am sousing the goose. Canst thou not begone towit to write….or something away from me.
William Shakespeare (hovering): Annie bee of mine own truest heart, thou art my hive, my meadwine of fulsome joy and honeycomb to my soul. How could I leave thee to toil so full at this hearth, in heat and to drone in such busied endeavour. I am bereft for lack and sore want of the nectar sweet of thy own companie….(moving closer)
A: (giggling) Be off with thee oh thou most handsome of men and husband to me, my sweet Willy: let me in this said state of hours but think and dwell happily in thought of dreams of thee and let you most loose of my loosened apron strings, lest I traduce, the honesty of thy good and holy body! Desist and cease thee Bill else yet the souse or the goose will not make it to thine early tea.
WS: (very close) Buzz buzz buzzle my busy busty Annie bee, come fly thee hither and hover to ……,ouch!! Annie, that hurtest me!
A: (grinning evilly) hie thee off to the Inne o’ Very Much Plenty doone the laneway Will. Marlowe just walked by and in his brothersome companie thou canst drink and dine and so takest well your fill. You can sing, you can click, you can sate your desire for a trick and together in verse and as Patricks together compose a most wondrous and amiably unusual English limerick!
There once was a woman called Annie
whose husband was Will and imbibed Napoleon brandy.
She sometimes thought him a dill
although he often gave her a thrill
and his way with his words was quite handy.
Interview with Coral Westley
Photo Credits
https://www.pexels.com/@polina-zimmerman Arty hands
https://www.pexels.com/@daria Everything is connected
https://www.pexels.com/@mikebirdy Shakespeare
https://www.pexels.com/@pixabay stack of books for The Book Worm